Attendance & Punctuality          

At North Featherstone Junior and Infant School we recognise that our children's attendance and punctuality has a direct impact on their learning, and ensuring a positive attitude towards school. We work hard throughout school to encourage parents and children to attend school every day and are proud to share our attendance figures and invite you to read through the attached documents below. 


Traffic Light Attendance

School Attendance Matters 

Whole School Attendance 2016-20

Pupil Premium Attendance 2018-20

Persistent Absentees 2018-19

Attendance by Gender 2019-20

EAL Attendance 2018-20


Please see a summary of our schools Attendance Procedures or click on our Attendance Policy for our full Policy on Attendance. 

Attendance Procedures

Absence procedure - Parents have a legal responsibility to make sure their child is in school every day and arrives on time. If your child is absent, please inform the school office before 10am on their first day of absence and on each day after with an update. If we do not receive information on why your child is absent they will be marked as an unauthorised absence. Where your child is sick, this will be marked as an authorised absence. 

Late coming procedure - Doors open 15 minutes prior to class starting. Any child arriving after this time will be marked as late. Late coming of pupils will be closely monitored and parents contacted where there are concerns.

Appointments - Please call the school office with information on when your child has an appointment. A copy of their doctor/dentist/hospital or other appointment may be requested.

Unauthorised absence and persistent lateness will be reported to the local authority’s Education Welfare Officer.

Holidays - Holidays during term time should be requested in writing and we strongly discourage these as they disrupt your child's learning. Holidays will be marked as unauthorised except in exceptional circumstances and may incur a fine.  

Where a childs attendance raises concerns (drops below 90%), and all efforts have been exhausted to improve their attendance, the school is obliged to inform the Education Welfare Officer who will make contact with you to discuss the way forward. Parents should remember that in an extreme case the attendance service will take parents to court and enforce a Parenting Order.