General Class Information
Class Teacher: Miss Jones
TSAs: Miss Emmerson
Also working in our phase: Mrs Yeo
Swimming day: Thursday
PE day: Friday
Library day: Thursday
The children have revised their understanding of column addition this week by practicing outside using chalk.
This week. the children learnt all about the features and courses of a river. They worked in groups, using resources such as egg cartons, yoghurt pots and paper to build their own river model! The children were then able to apply this knowledge in their learning to successfully label and describe each course of a river.
On Monday 11th November, the children attended a clay workshop and learnt how to make their own canopic jars! We learnt that canopic jars are very special to the Egyptians because they hold the organs of a dead person to ensure they are protected for the after life.
This week children in LKS2 have learnt how to express their feelings in French. We looked at the phrases for different feelings and then practiced how to ask our friends how they’re feeling. The children had to work really hard to use their tone of voice correctly to make themselves understood!