Staffing Structure



Headteacher - M Cunnington

Deputy Headteachers - K Roter and N Symes


Inclusion Leader

K Roter


Deputy Inclusion Leaders

S Womersley and G Tatterton



Teaching Staff -  C Douglass, R Goldson, A Riaz,  G Tatterton, 

Nursery Nurses - S Southern, S Cartwright


Key Stage 1

Teaching Staff - S Womersley, G Forbes, F Lacey


Key Stage 2

Teaching Staff -  P Ramsden, E Jones, L Hawkins, D Patnelli, K Roter, N Symes, B Graham,


Teaching Assistants

A Clarke, G Dawson, Y Ernest, K Ferguson, L Gillespie, S Higgins, K Jones, A King, D McClean, H Malkin, L Morgan, S Morgan, M Mosley, B Powell, J Sharp, P Smith, C Wells, C Wilson, Y Yeo


Learning Mentor - J Robson, J Kelly, L Morgan

HLTA - J Kirk &  Y Yeo

Business Manager - L Butcher

Admin Support - J Chambers & A Joynt

Attendance Officer - J Kelly

Caretaking - S Cunnington

Cleaning - L Morgan, J Sherwood, G Hayes, A King, 

Lunchtime Supervisors - M Bolanos, J Clewarth, G Dawson, L Gillespie, K Harbottle, G Hayes, S Higgins, C Hotson, S Joynt,  M Mosley, K Sampson, J Sharp, J Sherwood 


Breakfast Club

D McClean, C Wilson


Afterschool Childcare

J Clewarth, K Sampson


Subject Leaders
