General Class Information
Ash Class Teacher: Mrs Douglass
TSAs: Mrs Dawson and Miss Gillespie
Cherry Class Teacher: Miss Riaz
Nursery Nurse/TSA: Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Morgan
Also working in our phase: Mrs Goldson
P.E day: Tuesday
The start of our journey in Reception...
Our first few weeks in Reception have been wonderful getting to know our teachers, classmates and the school. We have enjoyed reading The Colour Monster and identifying our emotions, and most importantly what to do with those feelings. Every day we do a 'check in' where we place our photo on a colour monster linked to how we feel and talk about the reason why. We have been fantastic at learning the school routine; coming into class and hanging our coats up, bookbags in drawers, completing self-registration and writing our name as morning work. We have made new friends, explored the environment and settled into our new class brilliantly.
Ruby's Worry
Videos Pending
Science Open Morning
We invited parents in to experience our hands on science, which was based on our senses as part of our topic 'Marevellous Me'. We had lots of fun exploring and showing our parents how we learn, by asking questions and using real life objects to discover new things.
We have been learning about the change of seasons and noticing it in the enviornment around us. We took treasure bags home to collect natural objects that represented Autumn and brought them back into school to show our friends. We commented on the leaves changing colour, the conkers falling out of their prickly shells and how the weather was changing.
More Halloween photos pending