Music at North Featherstone Junior and Infant School
What Music looks like in the LFS & UFS.
Children listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.
Children will learn poems, rhymes and songs.
They will listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.
They will sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following a melody.
Children will explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo, or in groups.
They will sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.
Children can make their own instruments at the creation station!
Singing in UFS
In Ash Class the children are taking part in a lesson on Tempo.
Below is the National Curriculum music coverage in Key Stage 1:
Children use their voices expressively and creatively by
singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
They play tuned and untuned instruments musically.
They listen with concentration and understanding to a
range of high-quality live and recorded music.
Children experiment with, create, select and combine
sounds using the inter-related dimensions of
KS1 children use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals.
Singing in KS1 Spring Term 2023
In KS1 this Spring Term we have been looking at pulse and rhythm. The musical style has been pop music, which has a clear pulse making it easy to dance to. It often has a simple melody that is easy to sing along to.
We have used our voices, hands and untuned percussion instruments to make music.
Jessie in Year 2 said, "It's really fun when we get to stand up during our singing assemblies and do the moves to the singing. When we have music lessons in class, we take turns with the musical instruments. We have learnt about the rhythm. The pulse is the heart beat of the music."
Summer Term Music in KS1
Children in Y1 using body percussion to represent the environment.
Y1 - By The Sea Lesson
The children completed a 'musical treasure hunt.'
They had to select instruments to play which matched seaside sounds.
KS1 - Summer Term Singing Time!
KS1 - Autumn Term 2023
This term KS1 have been learning about fairy tales in their music unit. Through fairy tales, children are introduced to the concept of timbre; learning that different sounds can represent characters and key moments in a story. They explore clapping along to the syllables of words and phrases before creating rhythmic patterns to tell a familiar fairy tale.
In Holly class they have been learning how to play the recorders.
Below is the National Curriculum music coverage in Key Stage 2.
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts,
using their voices and playing musical instruments
with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and
Improvise and compose music for a range of
purposes using the inter-related dimensions of
Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds
with increasing aural memory.
Use and understand staff and other musical
Appreciate and understand a wide range of
high-quality live and recorded music drawn from
different traditions and from great composers and
Develop an understanding of the history of music.
Recorders in LKS2
Violins with Kirsty Rhodes in Birch Class UKS2.
Brooke and Ella from Beech Class said, " We loved using the musical instruments when we were linking sound to our literacy topic about Oliver Twist. "
"Our favourite instruments are the rainmakers, because they make us feel calm and relaxed."
Singing in KS2 Spring Term 2023
Summer Term LKS2
Music LKS2 Willow Class
Musical Interaction in KS1!
Dexter said, "I really like musical interaction on the bus, because it makes me feel happy. I like the hello song at the beginning and playing games at the end. We take it in turns to pass the beater around and when it's my turn I bang it light or heavy on the drum. My teacher will tell me which one."
Music on display around our school.
Singing Assemblies Autumn 2 2023
In Music we use 'BIG BOOKS' which contain evidence of all our Music lessons.
Here are some examples below.
Music Big Books
Autumn Term 2023
North Featherstone Festival.
Spring 2 2023.
Where we show case our musical talents!
Music at North Featherstone Junior and Infant School
What Music looks like in the LFS & UFS.
Children listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.
Children will learn poems, rhymes and songs.
They will listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.
They will sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following a melody.
Children will explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo, or in groups.
They will sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.
Children can make their own instruments at the creation station!
Singing in UFS
In Ash Class the children are taking part in a lesson on Tempo.
Below is the National Curriculum music coverage in Key Stage 1:
Children use their voices expressively and creatively by
singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
They play tuned and untuned instruments musically.
They listen with concentration and understanding to a
range of high-quality live and recorded music.
Children experiment with, create, select and combine
sounds using the inter-related dimensions of
KS1 children use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals.
Singing in KS1 Spring Term 2023
In KS1 this Spring Term we have been looking at pulse and rhythm. The musical style has been pop music, which has a clear pulse making it easy to dance to. It often has a simple melody that is easy to sing along to.
We have used our voices, hands and untuned percussion instruments to make music.
Jessie in Year 2 said, "It's really fun when we get to stand up during our singing assemblies and do the moves to the singing. When we have music lessons in class, we take turns with the musical instruments. We have learnt about the rhythm. The pulse is the heart beat of the music."
Summer Term Music in KS1
Children in Y1 using body percussion to represent the environment.
Y1 - By The Sea Lesson
The children completed a 'musical treasure hunt.'
They had to select instruments to play which matched seaside sounds.
KS1 - Summer Term Singing Time!
KS1 - Autumn Term 2023
This term KS1 have been learning about fairy tales in their music unit. Through fairy tales, children are introduced to the concept of timbre; learning that different sounds can represent characters and key moments in a story. They explore clapping along to the syllables of words and phrases before creating rhythmic patterns to tell a familiar fairy tale.
In Holly class they have been learning how to play the recorders.
Below is the National Curriculum music coverage in Key Stage 2.
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts,
using their voices and playing musical instruments
with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and
Improvise and compose music for a range of
purposes using the inter-related dimensions of
Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds
with increasing aural memory.
Use and understand staff and other musical
Appreciate and understand a wide range of
high-quality live and recorded music drawn from
different traditions and from great composers and
Develop an understanding of the history of music.
Recorders in LKS2
Violins with Kirsty Rhodes in Birch Class UKS2.
Brooke and Ella from Beech Class said, " We loved using the musical instruments when we were linking sound to our literacy topic about Oliver Twist. "
"Our favourite instruments are the rainmakers, because they make us feel calm and relaxed."
Singing in KS2 Spring Term 2023
Summer Term LKS2
Music LKS2 Willow Class
Musical Interaction in KS1!
Dexter said, "I really like musical interaction on the bus, because it makes me feel happy. I like the hello song at the beginning and playing games at the end. We take it in turns to pass the beater around and when it's my turn I bang it light or heavy on the drum. My teacher will tell me which one."
Music on display around our school.
Singing Assemblies Autumn 2 2023
In Music we use 'BIG BOOKS' which contain evidence of all our Music lessons.
Here are some examples below.
Music Big Books
Autumn Term 2023
North Featherstone Festival.
Spring 2 2023.
Where we show case our musical talents!
Music at North Featherstone Junior and Infant School
What Music looks like in the LFS & UFS.
Children listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.
Children will learn poems, rhymes and songs.
They will listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.
They will sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following a melody.
Children will explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo, or in groups.
They will sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.
Children can make their own instruments at the creation station!
Singing in UFS
In Ash Class the children are taking part in a lesson on Tempo.
Below is the National Curriculum music coverage in Key Stage 1:
Children use their voices expressively and creatively by
singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
They play tuned and untuned instruments musically.
They listen with concentration and understanding to a
range of high-quality live and recorded music.
Children experiment with, create, select and combine
sounds using the inter-related dimensions of
KS1 children use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals.
Singing in KS1 Spring Term 2023
In KS1 this Spring Term we have been looking at pulse and rhythm. The musical style has been pop music, which has a clear pulse making it easy to dance to. It often has a simple melody that is easy to sing along to.
We have used our voices, hands and untuned percussion instruments to make music.
Jessie in Year 2 said, "It's really fun when we get to stand up during our singing assemblies and do the moves to the singing. When we have music lessons in class, we take turns with the musical instruments. We have learnt about the rhythm. The pulse is the heart beat of the music."
Summer Term Music in KS1
Children in Y1 using body percussion to represent the environment.
Y1 - By The Sea Lesson
The children completed a 'musical treasure hunt.'
They had to select instruments to play which matched seaside sounds.
KS1 - Summer Term Singing Time!
KS1 - Autumn Term 2023
This term KS1 have been learning about fairy tales in their music unit. Through fairy tales, children are introduced to the concept of timbre; learning that different sounds can represent characters and key moments in a story. They explore clapping along to the syllables of words and phrases before creating rhythmic patterns to tell a familiar fairy tale.
In Holly class they have been learning how to play the recorders.
Below is the National Curriculum music coverage in Key Stage 2.
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts,
using their voices and playing musical instruments
with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and
Improvise and compose music for a range of
purposes using the inter-related dimensions of
Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds
with increasing aural memory.
Use and understand staff and other musical
Appreciate and understand a wide range of
high-quality live and recorded music drawn from
different traditions and from great composers and
Develop an understanding of the history of music.
Recorders in LKS2
Violins with Kirsty Rhodes in Birch Class UKS2.
Brooke and Ella from Beech Class said, " We loved using the musical instruments when we were linking sound to our literacy topic about Oliver Twist. "
"Our favourite instruments are the rainmakers, because they make us feel calm and relaxed."
Singing in KS2 Spring Term 2023
Summer Term LKS2
Music LKS2 Willow Class
Musical Interaction in KS1!
Dexter said, "I really like musical interaction on the bus, because it makes me feel happy. I like the hello song at the beginning and playing games at the end. We take it in turns to pass the beater around and when it's my turn I bang it light or heavy on the drum. My teacher will tell me which one."
Music on display around our school.
Singing Assemblies Autumn 2 2023
In Music we use 'BIG BOOKS' which contain evidence of all our Music lessons.
Here are some examples below.
Music Big Books
Autumn Term 2023
North Featherstone Festival.
Spring 2 2023.
Where we show case our musical talents!