
In maple class we like to enjoy every moment. We work together as a team to create a kind, focussed environment where we can all learn, progress and develop our skills across the curriculum. Maple Class are our Year 3 and 4 children and, as we move into Key Stage 2 we build on the skills acquired in Key Stage 1, learning to apply these across an increasingly sophisticated and varied curriculum.


Our Staff

Miss Papamichael - Class Teacher

Mrs Jones - Support Assistant

Mrs Yeo - HLTA and Support Assistant

Mrs Higgins - 1:1 support

Mrs Wilson - 1:1 support



Maple Class have a library session every Tuesday. So please remember to bring in library books on this day so that they can be exchanged. In LKS2 the children are able to take home one library book at a time if they would like to. These are scanned in and out of our library and chidlren must bring them back, they can be re-scanned for another week should they wish to keep them!



PE kits should be available in school every day but this term our usual PE sessions will take place on Thursday. Please ensure that you include a  pair of socks for your child to change into and also ensure that they have plimsols or trainers at school on rainy days and long leggings or tracksuit bottoms during the winter months. 

On Thursday afternoons, Year 4 Maple class will be taking part in swimming lessons. Please ensure that your child brings a costume, towel and goggles for these sessions in a bag. 

Summer Newsletter

This document outlines our learning for the Summer term from April to July. 



Please find the link below to watch Journey book on youtube with your child! We hope you enjoy our stimulus for World Book day this year!


Autumn 1 Newsletter

This document outlines our learning for the Autumn 1 half term from Septmber to October half term. 



The children worked together in groups tp perform a poem. They were working on their tone, volume and expression and trying to add hand gestures body language and actions to engage the audience. Every child in class had a go which was lovely to see! I think they all did amazing! :)


The children worked together in pairs alongside their grown ups for the morning. We investigated how we could present data in different ways, using Tally Charts, Tables, Bar charts and pictograms. The children were given data information about the life expectancy of Stone age men and women, Victorian men and women and Present day men and women. They were able to manipulate the data to draw up their own graphs and charts and then we answered questions about the data to aid our understanding of how and why the average life expectancy of men and women changed over the last 50,000 years. 


The children have created their own finger puppets and then made their own conversations between the puppets to greet each other, introduce themselves and ask how each other are in French. They all did extremely well and were great at their tone and intonation after learning our mouth mechanics. 


The children worked in pairs,  chose one of four electrical circuits patterns and used different ways of travelling to re-create this on the floor. They could walk, jog, skip or gallop, then included changes to the way they were facing whilst travelling around the circuit. Once complete, they moved onto a different circuit pattern, finally showing one of their patterns to the rest of the class for them to guess which circuit they were re-creating.


The children worked in groups of three to dramatise they story, this is is wordless book that we are using as a stimulus for world book day. The children enjoyed thinking about the story and what could be happening and managed to keep their voices off throughout the performance to show how there were no words. There is a link below to the video for you to watch the story of Journey at home!

Useful Documents 

Handwriting letter formation.pdf .pdf
Year 4 Multiplication check Parent Information.pdf .pdf
Phase 5 and 6 Sound mat.pdf .pdf
TTRS parent information.pdf .pdf