Birch Class Page


In Birch class, we like to play Finger Fit as a way of helping us to practise our times tables.


In our first science lesson of our topic Mixtures and Separation, we made mixtures using different substances.  We learnt that a mixture is made of two or more substances.  We then carried out some research, using the Ipads, to find out whether seawater, gunpowder, air, soil and sand were mixtures.

In our science lesson this week, we went prospecting for gold.  We learnt about how sieving can be used to separate solidsfrom solids.  We had to use sieves with different sized holes so that we could separate the gold nuggets, gold flakes and the soil.


We are thoroughly enjoying our violin lessons and we are learning lots of new skills.  We are looking forward to being able to use the bow on the strings to make music.  So far we have practised our bow hold and plucking the strings.


In this PSHE lesson, we explored how taking on different roles within a group can help us to work more successfully as a team.  We created a set of rules for when we are working in groups.


Birch Class Page


In Birch class, we like to play Finger Fit as a way of helping us to practise our times tables.


In our first science lesson of our topic Mixtures and Separation, we made mixtures using different substances.  We learnt that a mixture is made of two or more substances.  We then carried out some research, using the Ipads, to find out whether seawater, gunpowder, air, soil and sand were mixtures.

In our science lesson this week, we went prospecting for gold.  We learnt about how sieving can be used to separate solidsfrom solids.  We had to use sieves with different sized holes so that we could separate the gold nuggets, gold flakes and the soil.


We are thoroughly enjoying our violin lessons and we are learning lots of new skills.  We are looking forward to being able to use the bow on the strings to make music.  So far we have practised our bow hold and plucking the strings.


In this PSHE lesson, we explored how taking on different roles within a group can help us to work more successfully as a team.  We created a set of rules for when we are working in groups.


Birch Class Page


In Birch class, we like to play Finger Fit as a way of helping us to practise our times tables.


In our first science lesson of our topic Mixtures and Separation, we made mixtures using different substances.  We learnt that a mixture is made of two or more substances.  We then carried out some research, using the Ipads, to find out whether seawater, gunpowder, air, soil and sand were mixtures.

In our science lesson this week, we went prospecting for gold.  We learnt about how sieving can be used to separate solidsfrom solids.  We had to use sieves with different sized holes so that we could separate the gold nuggets, gold flakes and the soil.


We are thoroughly enjoying our violin lessons and we are learning lots of new skills.  We are looking forward to being able to use the bow on the strings to make music.  So far we have practised our bow hold and plucking the strings.


In this PSHE lesson, we explored how taking on different roles within a group can help us to work more successfully as a team.  We created a set of rules for when we are working in groups.
