Class 5/6 Homepage

Welcome the Class 5/6 homepage.

Here you can find out lots of vital information about what is going on both inside and outside the classroom, our learning and happening around school.


We have an extremely jam-packed half term ahead to enjoy. Alongside literacy and maths, here are some other fun filled topics we will discover:

Science – Being the overriding focus of this term, our Science work is called ‘To infinity and Beyond.’ We are taking a whistle-stop tour of the solar system, the planets, the seasons, the moon as well as stars and constellations.

Topic – Linking our Space topic to our home, we are beginning to look at the geographical aspects of the world. We are taking tour around time zones, geographical skills linked to longitude and latitude, landmarks from space as well as much more.

PE- Working closely with St Wilfrid’s PE specialists, we are focusing on a session of dance.

RE – Within RE we will be taking a look at the science behind the creation of the earth compared to the views of different religions.

D&T – Taking on board out Space topic, we are going to be designing, creating and evaluating moon buggies.

Music – As well as our weekly violin sessions, we are also looking at the compositions of Gustav Holst. His classical pieces of ‘The Planets’ fits perfectly with our Space topic.

St Wilfrid's PE Sessions

This half term we are working with our PE Specialist from St Wilfrid's - Miss Sinclair. We are linking our PE and our topic and learning a Space Dance.




Within maths we have been looking at data handling. These images show the maths group solving two step time word problems in order to plot and analyse a line graph linked to sales made on Ebay over the course of a day.

Eden Camp

 Linked to our World War 2 topic, this half term we have made an educational visit to Eden Camp. Here we learned lots more information about the war, being a soldier both fighting and in a prisoner of war camp as well as keeping the morale high.

Have a look at some of the photos of the day!

World War 2 Visitor

 This week we have had Havercroft Armouries visiting school go give the children further real life experiences of what it would be like within the World Wars.

Check out these photos!

Weekly information

  • Mondays - Y6 SATs booster 3:10 - 4:15
  • Tuesdays - Homework due in
  • Tuesday - PE kit (indoor kit over the winter months)
  • Wednesday (After February half term) - Indoor PE Kit
  • Thursdays - Year 5 swimming kit
  • Fridays - Homework and spellings test and spellings out and homeworkopoly

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