Class 6


Welcome to our class page! This page will be a chance to see what we have been doing in class. There will be pictures and news about what your children have been learning in year 6, giving you an opportunity to see the great things that they have been doing.


What are we studying during the Spring term?


In Maths we are looking at improving our understanding of 2D and 3D shapes as well as consolidating skills and knowledge in other areas of the curriculum.

We will also continue to focus on improving the speed of our mental recall of numbers especially our times tables. There will also be a big emphasis on preparing the children for the national tests in May.


In Literacy we are looking at recount texts and Newspaper texts, linking them to our space topic.

In Science we are working with forces and looking at our solar system.

In History we are looking at the history of the solar system and space travel.

In Geography we are looking at how day and night is different around the globe.

In R.E. we are looking at mosques and why there are so many around Yorkshire.

In Art and Design we are producing a range of work on a space theme.

Finally in French we are looking at French breakfasts and family.












Have a look at the fabulous work on our space topic that we've produced recently!

This is some of the work we produced in the winter term during our World War One and Two topic.

In Maths recently we've been looking at averages. The children had to investigate the mean, mode, median and range hand span on their tables. Below is an example of some of the work they produced.

Rugby skills with Featherstone Rovers

Rememberance Day Poetry